Friday, September 14, 2012

Visayas State University is the only university in the Visayas acknowledged by the Philippine Department of Tourism as a tourist destination because of its diverse flora and fauna bounding the mainland and sea from side to side. With Mount Pangasugan and the Camotes Sea as VSU's backdrop, it makes the university distinctive from any other colleges and universities in the region. VSU administration is currently promoting the school as a "Resort University" for it has resorts, seafront suites, cottages, and bungalows catering to visitors and tourists coming over to the university.

solfegio recital
As a mapeh major and education student in VSU this is one of our activity in our major subject "Solfeggio and Piano". Where all the mapeh students including me presented our own piece but for me i made my own piece so that its easy for me to perform.

When a student would talk about all his/her experiences in VSU, I guess that would take more inks from pens and papers if you try to write each and every detail of event. My experiences in the school makes me motivated to learn and strive more especially when trouble comes like no solution can be found no matter how hard you tried to make it easy it would always be difficult. We all know the fact about failures is just  a normal collision to the students.

One of the coolest activity we had in Pangasugan the "River Treking". It is part of our activity in summer major class in aquatics to know more about water activities and life saving when someone is drowning in a sea or in pool. This activity helps our group to build trust with each other and getting to know each character and behavior.

Giant Earth Volleyball

 This one is a photo made when we are having a class field trip to different water facilities like banana boat, kayak and motor boat. In this activity that we had is to make us know about how to use these different facilities and equipment. 
 This pictorial all happen when we went to kuting reef to have our field trip related to our summer class the aquatics. We spend only one night to feel the fragrance of the environment and the ecosystem itself. But we really saviour our time sharing our laughter and smiles with each other. The memories that we shared is hard to forget, maybe its the closeness that we have build already within ourselves but its the fact that we started to accept each others behaviour like in our own dialect "na anad na".  :)

This is a photo from the last anniversary happen in August 10, 2012. All the mapeh majors are said to facilitate the dulang pinoy in the lower campus (oval). 

This is not all happen in VSU our beloved place but its  because of this University 

......... This all came true  and real. :)